The term ‘Office Politics’ is usually used to describe the complex interactions between people who work together, especially as it relates to getting ahead and gaining status. I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone that these politics exist in most work environments to some extent. Let’s be honest, we all play a role in the development of these politics; most of us probably want to be recognized for our achievements, and we may do what it takes to obtain some upward mobility. The only problem is that everyone else has the same brilliant idea, and we get caught up in the competition. This is where problems arise, as everyone is probably too fixated on their own goals to be bothered with those of others. (But, wait a minute. Aren’t we all supposed to be working toward the common goals of the company?) If this becomes the culture within a workplace, the work environment can become filled with hostility and tension. Probably not the best ingredients for an enriching work atmosphere.
The key to any type of politics is effective communication. This is no different in the office. We’re social beings. Given that fact, you'd think we'd be good at communicating. Well, we are good at certain aspects of it. For instance, we're good at the talking part, and the making our own points part. But it seems that we often forget that communication is a two-way street. The neglected side of the road is the one that entails putting in a concerted effort to understand our communication partners, to make sure what we're saying is not lost on them, and what they are trying to convey, verbal or otherwise, is not completely lost on us.
That's where I come in. I believe it's important to analyze communication issues, especially in the workplace, in order to learn, grow, and become equipped with the understanding to deal with, or better yet, to prevent similar issues.
And just who am I?
Well, I’m not some elucidated, all-knowing communications expert. Certainly not. Not even close.
Who I am is someone who’s seen enough, who’s heard enough, who’s had enough of her fair share of experiences. And I’m here to listen. Got anything to say?
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